My Hero Academia: S06 Ep14 Review and Recap


The heroes and police force must struggle with the bleak hellscape left in the wake of the villains' onslaught in 'My Hero Academia season 6 episode 14.


'Hellish Hell' begins with Deku recounting the events that led up to Shigaraki and the PLF's demise.

In a flashback scene, the Public Safety Mission ambushes Re-Destro after duping him with a ploy of a "bargain." Still, the commission suffers a defeat when Re-Destro reveals himself as a clone and murders the president.

Meanwhile, the other Pro Hero forces press on at the Jaku Hospital and the Gunga Mountain Villa. Many pro Heroes are killed while defending people or battling with evil villains.

Class 1-A students discover that Midnight is more, and they grieve her and other heroes who died.

Meanwhile, Uraraka continues her rescue attempts, but witnessing another Pro Hero lose his motivation in the face of such tragedy wears on her.

Deku, Kacchhan, and other injured heroes, along with Mr. Compress, are transported to the hospital, while Gigantomachia and Nomus are restrained and carried away.

Re-Destro and his minions are all apprehended, as is Garaki, who admits that the only thing that saved Shigaraki from death was his dream and his great hate.

Deku reflects on how Shigaraki appeared to be begging for assistance as he becomes engrossed in expert medical treatment. Meanwhile, All For One leaves for an unknown place, accompanied by Dabi, Spinner, and several Nomus.

With the deaths of the top-ranking heroes, the Public Safety Commission is in disarray, as is public faith in the heroes.

This social instability thrills All For One, who revels in it maniacally and arranges his true body's deliverance from Tartarus as the credits roll on 'My Hero Academia' season 6 episode 14.


The return of 'My Hero Academia' season 6 takes viewers back to the awful scene left by the conflict between the villains and the heroes.

However, a large portion of the episode is devoted to a horrible recapitulation of events and a flashback that adds little to the tale.

So, too, does the explanation for Shigaraki's resurrection from the dead — the aim of his wicked hate has been made crystal obvious.

The continuous pursuit of chaos by All For One is a wonderful little tease at the end, teasing some probable high-octane action in the following episodes.

Meanwhile, in this episode's terrible stuff, one of the most cherished people dies, while Ochaco fears the battle and the victims.

However, as is the curse of every anime adaptation, there will be comparisons to the source material, and 'My Hero Academia' season 6 hasn't performed all that well so far in contrast to the equivalent manga panels - something that continues with this episode.

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